Tuesday 1 March 2011

Home - Dr. Terror's Halls Of Horror

Home - Dr. Terror's Halls Of Horror

WELCOME, I am Dr Terror, otherwise known as The Gate Keeper and I invite you to my Halls of Horror.Do not enter this accursed place lightly, for here, within my bastion of terror, built upon the screaming souls of the damned and guarding the very mouth of Hell, I sit upon my Throne of Grief. My corridors run red with the blood of the innocent and are home to the creatures that spring from the tortured minds of the psychotically insane.

Within the dark, twisted womb of my fortress, these creatures of hate and desperation, create a tapestry of nightmare things, a vile snare with which to trap the unwary, the foolish. The black, slimy, ancient stones of this cursed castle scream with the agonised screams of lost, for many have ventured here before you, only to become trapped in the crushing torment of eternal darkness.

My realm is an unholy sanctuary for the Writers of Dark Things, creators of terrible fiendish entities, that are hiding and waiting to spring out and gorge upon the flesh of your sanity. Maybe you are such a writer and seek such a sanctuary? In which case a special chamber has been prepared for you. Maybe you are a reader or a critic? Then I beg you heed my warning. Such as you have entered these hallowed halls before, only to crash headlong into a helter skelter descent into pure madness. Take care that you hold a return ticket and not just a single.

It just remains for me to say Adieu, until we meet in person. Even now, I hear those dread creatures, creations of writers feavered ramblings, calling. They are hungry and must be fed and only the tenderestm human flesh will suffice. I must pull up the draw bridge and close fast the doors, for I cannot allow even the meekest of these nightmares to escape and be loosed upon the world above. While I deal with this hellish spawn, I bid you take a look at our sister site, Vamplit. It will give you an appetiser of what is to come. . .

Wednesday 19 May 2010


Hi Everyone,
We finally have our brand new site, Doc Terror, up and running. Despite the title, we accept work from any genre, from poetry and prose, short stories and articles, novellas and novel chapters. We alsowelcome readers and critics, for what is a writer without either of the latter? And don't forget our Sister Site, VAMPLIT. If you like your literature that little bit darker and with a sting in the tail, these are the sites for you.

We have some great projects running at the moment and loads more to come such as the HOT SEAT, where we feature one of our members each month and lay them open to questions from other sit members, (within reason of course) and then there is the E-Zine, BLOOD READ, a free monthly online magazine where members' works are featured to a wider audience. We would love to see you and welcome you and our Admin Teams are second to none, ready, willing and able to assist should you need it. You can find us at the following sites:
http://grou.ps/vamplit/ and http://torturechamber/